BLT Field Work Report/December 11 Cancellation Due to Rain
Last week we continued work cutting down barberry and a hydra of bittersweet vines (see below) to put in a trail through Luke Hill Preserve. We were able to reach the stream which feeds into the Sargent River. One tool that has proved very useful for getting under barberry and other brambles is the long handled hedge trimmer.
The boundary marking crew started in on Hershman’s Hollow, which was ravaged by the macroburst in 2018 and again took a direct hit the following year. This is our only preserve where the fallen trees have not been cleared, making the trail impassable and boundary marking very difficult. We plan to resume when the full field crew can join in.
We had planned to clean up the Whispering Pines/Carrington Preserve/Hidden Brook trails complex this week in advance of the hike planned there for January 1, but with the weather forecast predicting an inch of rain, this will have to wait until December 18. Hate to miss out on trails work this week, but the forecast does not leave much doubt that we will be facing steady rains all day.