Last week we continued to make progress installing a trail at Luke Hill Preserve, removing Japanese Barberry, Euonymous, Multi-floral Rose and many downed trees and limbs. We got a little distracted when we came across a vine suitable for Tarzan and Jane and of course everyone had to try swinging on it.
In addition, the boundary at Podgewaite Preserve got marked. This is the one at the intersection of Rt 69 and Rt 42. The paint is fading on the wooden sign and it could use a little resoration work. It could be removed to do this indoors. Anyone want to volunteer?
This week we are going back to Luke Hill and the boundary markers are going to work on Podgewaite Preserve.
For the Luke Hill work, tools for cutting down the invasives, digging them up where possible and cutting through the downed trees and branches will be useful.
We will meet at Luke Hill Preserve, Wednesday December 4 on Luke Hill Road between #80 and #96.