• January 13
    Last week we worked at Hershman’s Hollow and carved out an additional section of the trail, bringing it to an interesting loop that crosses a stone wall and skirts the stream, but looks like we will have to wait until the snow melts to finish it.  
  • Week of January 6th
    Last week 6 brave, hearty and indomitable members of the field crew tackled the wilds of Hershborn Hollow despite the 20 mph winds and freezing temps.  But everyone quickly warmed up with the physical effort of carving a path. We slashed through tall thickets and downed trees and were able to open up a trail along the boundary line to allow markers to be posted.  This week we plan to return and continue cutting in a trail, following the lines of a previous trail.   For this work brush cutters, a chain saw and loppers are the most useful tools. We will meet… Read more: Week of January 6th
  • January 1st
    Last Wednesday there was no field work but that afternoon, quite a few folks joined the hike snaking through Whispering Pines, Carrington Preserve and Hidden Brook. This week we are planning to tackle Hershman’s Hollow.  This preserve took a direct hit from both of the tornados and the trail was totally decimated.  After the first tornado we cleared some of the downed trees that fell onto the neighbor’s property and a short amount of the trail, but then the second tornado brought down more and we haven’t been back since.  Our job on Wednesday is going to be to try to… Read more: January 1st
  • Week of December 16th
    Since we got rained out last week, I had hoped that we could spend Wednesday morning clearing the trails at Whispering Pines, Carrington Preserve and Hidden Brook in anticipation of a New Year’s Day hike from 1-3.  But that was before we got 2 inches of snow.  I guess it is possible that with rain tonight and warm weather tomorrow the snow will be gone by then.  If so, everyone with a leaf blower, bring it.  In addition, a few rakes to loosen leaves will be helpful.  Plus there may be branches down across the trails so loppers and saws would be helpful.  … Read more: Week of December 16th
  • Week of December 9th
    BLT Field Work Report/December 11 Cancellation Due to Rain Last week we continued work cutting down barberry and a hydra of bittersweet vines (see below) to put in a trail through Luke Hill Preserve.  We were able to reach the stream which feeds into the Sargent River.  One tool that has proved very useful for getting under barberry and other brambles is the long handled hedge trimmer. The boundary marking crew started in on Hershman’s Hollow, which was ravaged by the macroburst in 2018 and again took a direct hit the following year. This is our only preserve where the fallen trees… Read more: Week of December 9th
  • Week of December 2nd
    Last week we continued to make progress installing a trail at Luke Hill Preserve, removing Japanese Barberry, Euonymous, Multi-floral Rose and many downed trees and limbs.  We got a little distracted when we came across a vine suitable for Tarzan and Jane and of course everyone had to try swinging on it.  In addition, the boundary at Podgewaite Preserve got marked.  This is the one at the intersection of Rt 69 and Rt 42.  The paint is fading on the wooden sign and it could use a little resoration work.  It could be removed to do this indoors.  Anyone want… Read more: Week of December 2nd
  • Week of November 26th
    Last week we were joined by 2 members of the Woodbridge Land Trust and had a whole crowd clearing a swath at Luke Hill Preserve.  Downed trees and branches got removed and barberry got dug up.  We made quite a lot of progress but there is still more to do to cut a trail all the way to the stream so we are going back this week to take up where we left off. Useful tools will be loppers, pick mattocks, rootslayers, hedge trimmers, small saws and a chainsaw. We will meet at 9 AM on Wednesday, November 27 on Luke… Read more: Week of November 26th
  • Week of November 20th
    Last week the marque sign was installed at Rodell’s Roost, issues were addressed at Donnelly, and we finished the new trail leading down to the stream at Hall Preserve. This week we are going to work at Luke Hill Preserve.  It will be similar to Hall, in that there is no trail and there are quite a few invasives.  Norm and Bob H will be marking the boundary and the rest of us will be cutting a trail down to the stream which ,rads to the Sargent River.  Useful tools will be lopers, hedge trimmers, and shovels for digging up… Read more: Week of November 20th
  • Week of November 13th
    Last week we worked at Hall Preserve.  We enlarged the fencing protecting the hybrid chestnut trees, pulled barberry and mowed down the brush surrounding them.  We began cutting a new trail through the nearly impenetrable thicket of multifloral rose, barberry and downed trees and made it to the end of the stone wall, where it opens up a bit more. This week we will take up where we left off cutting the trail, only now it will be mostly barberry and downed trees here and there.  Useful tools will be loppers, brush cutters, hedge trimmers, leaf blowers and a chain… Read more: Week of November 13th
  • Week of November 2nd
    Last week the trails throughout the Welch Parcels were cleared, trees blocking the trail were cut and the stone steps coming off the stone wall were improved.  This week we are going to Hall Preserve.  Our 2 young hybrid chestnut trees need to have their protective fencing removed and replaced with a much large fence, the area needs to be brush cut to allow passage, and we are going to try to cut a trail down to the stream through the barberry.    Useful tools will be lopers, hedge trimmers, shovels, leaf blowers, rootslayers, brush cutters, etc.  Note: this is… Read more: Week of November 2nd
  • Week of October 14th
    Last week we worked at Carrington Lowell.  We had a huge crew and a lot hot done. The marquee sign was replaced, blazes were fixed, poison ivy and stilt grass was pulled, barberry was dealt with, trails were widened and cleared and downed trees were cut.  This week we are working at Whispering Pines. Bart will be bringing the 2 Marquee signs and we have 2 more trail signs to install. Bart will be starting at 8:30 but needs to leave at 10. He will bring the gas post hole digger.  Can anyone come at 8:30 to help with the… Read more: Week of October 14th
  • Week of October 21st
    Last week we worked at the Whispering Pines.  The 2 marquee signs got erected and the trail sign at Briar Lane got installed.  The trails off Village lane got cleared and invasives along the red-blazed Cowpath Trail were dug up, but there are a lot more, so this was more of a containment exercise.   This week Bart and Bob H and possibly Norm will meet at 8:30 at the end of Village Lane to install the remaining trail sign.  The rest of us will work at Woodward Preserve off of Mesa Drive, where the trailhead steps need a little… Read more: Week of October 21st